Emotional Horsemanship CLINIC with Lockie
Almonte - Ontario, Canada, October 2025
9, 10, 11 October 2025
Willaway Farm
514 Ramsay Concession 12,
Almonte, Ontario
K0A 1A0
As a participant stabling is included in your ticket. Horses who travel in arrive the day before and leave the day after the clinic.
Anybody who owns, loans or can borrow a suitable horse. Horses must be a minimum age of 4 years. Horses younger than 4 years old are advised to book for private lesson. No stallions. Stallions should book private lessons.
All participant tickets are purchased for the entire three days. Auditor and Auditor+ tickets are sold one day at a time for Day 1 and Day 3 of this clinic.
If you need a more cost effective way to try EH, the video library starts at 4.5 EUR per month, and there are online courses and coaching available which are economical and convenient options to work with Lockie.
Horses must be physically healthy, with recent hoofcare, adequate body condition, fitted tack, up to date with worming and vaccinations. No saddle fitting, trimming or tack consultations will be given at the clinic. Your horse should be thoroughly prepared to be in a new place with new horses doing new things.
Susan & Shelley
email: clinics.willaway@gmail.com
PARTICIPANT: 1100 Euros per participant FOR THREE DAYS
AUDITOR: 102 Euros per person PER DAY
AUDITOR+: 189 Euros per person PER DAY
1.00 Euro = $1.49 CAD
A structured program in Emotional Horsemanship, a horse training method using science, empathy and feel to create emotionally balanced horses. Specialising in creating connection, communication and clarity with recreational equestrians and their personal horses.
A 'Tasting Menu' of the various techniques Emotional Horsemanship can offer, taught in a slow, safe and patient manner.
Three day clinics are a deeper and more comprehensive experience. Day 1 is a group clinic, with auditors. Day 2, there are no auditors present and the whole day is just Lockie, the participants and their horses. Private lessons as well as group tuition offered on Day 2. Day 3 is a mixture of group and private and auditors are invited. Horses who travel in, arrive the day before and leave the day after the clinic, their participation ticket includes stabling. This 3 day intensive is a comprehensive and deep dive into your work with your horse.
We are offering discounted entry to participate or audit 3 day clinics if you have attended a clinic with us before. Please email admin@emotionalhorsemanship.com to arrange.
I don't have a horse right now. Or the horse I visit the most, is not mine, but belongs to a lesson stable or a friend. Is Emotional Horsemanship still useful for me?"Absolutely! Emotional Horsemanship puts a 50/50 focus on your emotional intelligence, and the horses emotional expression. There is SO MUCH we can do even without a horse to better prepare us when we do meet any horse, or one day buy our own. The skills you will learn in Emotional Horsemanship you can take to any horse, anywhere, and forge a friendship with them straight away. They will help you be safer, because you will FEEL and KNOW and UNDERSTAND when the horse is getting upset, or when the horse has potential to do something hazardous. You can actually develop the skill to predict accidents. It is not easy, but definitely possible!
I struggle to know what I am feeling. I am stuck in my head all the time! I am not an emotional person. Can this work for me?Yes! You ARE an emotional person. But societal conditioning, your normal education, and your hyper developed human brain has over developed your rational, thinking system. Your emotional system is still there in your brain. It mixes in the same region as memory and movement processing. You can access it. Because you don't learn emotional awareness. You REMEMBER IT. You got this! You can do this! Reclaim your empathy
My horse is 'naughty'. He/she is not kind or sweet natured. How on earth can I be empathic and kind to my horse when they try to hurt and annoy me all the time?This is exactly why Emotional Horsemanship is so important. I made this FOR YOU Horses behave in ways which are - naughty - aggressive - careless - dangerous FOR A REASON! By peeling back you and your horses history and layers of learned behaviour there is a horse in there that just wants to feel safe, be understood, feel comfortable and enjoy their life. Just like you. In Emotional Horsemanship we take a very direct route to solving these behaviour problems without punishment, but by rehabilitating the way the horse relates to humans from the ground, up.
I come from a really traditional background. This sounds really great, but I am struggling to get to grips with all this. Maybe it is just not for me?"It would be a mistake to think that you cannot change. My favorite type of horse person is the one who makes a change, after years of belief or even success with a different way of doing things. You CAN change, you CAN adapt, and you CAN begin again. For no other reason than you decided it to be so. This time, you got the support you need to make it happen If you are unsure where to begin, book in for a free 30 minute discovery call and I will break this huge change you are going through into small, easy, bite sized chunks. You got this.
This clinic is available to participate all three days. Clinic participant tickets are not sold one day at a time for this event.
All auditor tickets are sold one day at a time.
- 1,100 euros
- 102 euros
- 189 euros